Saturday, February 25, 2012

Improving Graduation Rates

In an Editorial written by The Daily Texan about improving graduation rates by 2016. The editor goes into detail how this would "create [a] positive change in students' lives." But the editor also reveals the bad side of the "Undergraduate Graduation Task Force" he or she said " dwells negatively on students who, for whatever reason, take longer than four years to graduate" the student will be penalty as an out of state student( paying out of state tuition). The editor then explains: it's because of the rise of tuition rates, work studies, study aboard, internship, and volume of require core classes...etc. Due to the increased tuition, some student might have to work during school to stay afloat.

I think this editor did awesome job to appeal to someone on the school board or to the student body. They presented factual information about the reasons why some students can't graduate on time. From my point of view i would agree with this person argument; inflation is rising, everything from food to gas cost more, and yet low paying wages are still the same. The average 4 year degree takes about 7 years now, that means if this was to go into effect. The people that took an extra 3 years would have to pay out of state tuition which would led to more delay of their bachelor degree. Thus will cause a viscous circle of prolong of a 4 year degree.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Contraception Coverage

I'm not sure if this was covered in class, but here is an article about Contraception. The article is basically about how Obama's Administration will mandate "contraception coverage" into your healthcare plan. Catholics are standing up and saying that it "violates their rights to free exercise of religion". The problem arises when churches are exempted from this, but hospitals and universities are not. Here in Austin we have a non-profit "Seton Healthcare Family" hospital, they refused to give insurance that cover contraception since they are catholic affiliated. Do you guys think insurances should cover contraception? if so, should the insurance reduce the monthly fee if you choice not to pay for it?